6 de set. de 2008

La Casa Azul políglota

A finais da primavera sorprendeunos con "Vull saber-ho tot de tú", en catalán, que TV3 tentou que fose a canción deste verán en Cataluña:

E, aínda que xa se puidese escoitar en contadas ocasións (como cando foi a presentación do vídeo "Esta noche sólo cantan para mí") e o rumor estaba aí desde había meses, agora xa se filtrou á rede a versión en inglés de "La Revolución Sexual":

Aquí, para quen a queirades en plan semi karaoke (xa sei que o vídeo é horríbel...):

Por se non fósedes capaces de collela de vez, velaquí a súa letra:

Let it all out,
don't you think you need a break, oh.
Let it all out,
what's the point if you can't wait, cause the
Summer of Love
is getting ready to arrive
And I think there is a sexual
revolution by your side.

You've been sure of one thing for a few days.
To be right or be strong,
it's just a phase.

You who used to preach that
living life could be so worthless,
who used to lean towards the blues
and feeling bad.
Anticipating and predicting catastrophic ends,
Believe a sexual revolution's at our side.

You, who used to think the kind of love
you knew was hopeless.
Who once preferred to show yourself
only made-up.
Begin again to recognize that it just made no sense,
'cause a new sexual revolution's just begun.

Let it all out,
don't you go on and preted, honey.
Let it all out,
Why would you want to fool a friend?
On the summer or love,
is getting ready to arrive,
there's a sexual revolution by your side.

You've been sure of one thing for a few days.
To control or loose it all,
it's just a phase.

You who used to preach that
living life could be so worthless,
who used to lean towards the blues
and feeling bad.
Anticipating and predicting catastrophic ends,
Believe a sexual revolution's at our side.

You, who used to think the kind of love
you knew was hopeless.
Who once preferred to show yourself
only made-up.
Begin again to recognize that it just made no sense,
'cause a new sexual revolution's just begun.
nah nah nah nah nah nah!!
A new sexual revolution just began
A new sexual revolution...

Porén, aínda hai máis.

Tamén chegou a versión coreana do mesmo hit, cantada por unha rapaza chamada Yeongene, segundo puiden saber a través da rede. A ver que vos parece o que xa se pendurou en youtube, antes da saída da versión completa:

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